Workshop Technology

Welcome back to the final term for the year. We will be starting something new by working int he mechanical workshop. Please make sure you check this website often for assignments and tasks. This website will especially be helpful if you are absent.

The TAG will help you to see what is expected from you in the class, when portfolio tasks are due, and when you will have exams and projects.

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WEEK 1 (April 13 - 17)

This is an introduction week. We will be talking about safety in the workshop and using PPE when necessary.

WEEK 2 (April 20 - 24)

More safety as you will be dealing with some dangerous equipment. Before we can start using the workshop tools, we must know how to measure. So look through this powerpoint on using measurements in our class.

Measurements Powerpoint

We also did task 2 and 3 this week.

Portfolio Task 2

Portfolio Task 3

WEEK 3 (April 27 - May 1)

Today you have been introduced to the basic workshop tools. I know you are all excited about using the tools, but be patient, your turn will come soon. The task for today covers how to read a vernier caliper. Still having questions on how to read the vernier caliper, go ahead and visit this web page for more help

Read a vernier caliper 1

Read a vernier caliper 2

Portfolio Task 4

Portfolio Task 5

WEEK 4 (May 4 - 8)

Lets do our first lab. You will be measuring a bolt (or any other object given to you) and using the vernier caliper, you will measure the outside diameter, inside diameter, and the depth of the object. Remember you cannot do this task at home, but you can familiarize yourself with the lab so that you can easily do it in class.

Using a vernier caliper

Portfolio Task 6

WEEK 5 (May 11 - 15)

Okay, since we have prepared ourselves for the workshop, let's actually start working in the workshop. Today we will start the project.


We will also be starting to review for the Continuous Assessment (exam) in week 6.

Continuous Assessment Review

Continuous Assessment Review Answers

Measurement Practice Worksheet (very helpful for the exam)

WEEK 6 (May 18 - 22)

Today we will take the Continuous Assessment and try to finish the project.

WEEK 7 - 9

Workshop Technology Project Written Paper

If you did not pass the Workshop Technology Exam, you will be given another chance to take it in week 8. But YOU have to come to me for a review.

YAYY!!!! There are no more portfolio tasks for this term. For the rest of the three weeks, we need to do 3 things.

1) Any student missing tasks needs to finish
2) Finish project
3) Review for the final


1. Know the different types of micrometers.
2. Parts of the micrometer and the vernier caliper.
3. Know how to read the vernier caliper.
4. Know everything from the portfolio tasks.
5. Draw the 1st angle and 3rd angle projections (this is from Technical Drawing).


Portfolio Task 1 Answer
Portfolio Task 2 Answer
Portfolio Task 3 Answer
Portfolio Task 4 Answer
Portfolio Task 5 Answer

Practice Exam for Final
Answer for Practice Exam

Easy practice for 1st Angle Projection
Answer page 1


Remember to keep checking back to this webpage for review materials for the final.