
English Grade 10 
Term 3








Week 1 (5th - 9th Jan)

Welcome back after your winter break:) I hope you had a wonderful holiday with lots of rest and now you are all ready to go back to hard work at our school! Below you will find some materials we used in the first week. Remember to check your new Quizlet input and latest Showbie assignments. 
And do not forget about the online workbook (OLBW) - here is the link:
Some of you (for example, classes 10. 4 and 10.5) have a lot of exercises from the online workbook set as HOMEWORK!!! The deadline is next Thursday for 10.4 and 10.5 (exercises 6.1 to 6.19). 

Week 2 (13th-16th Jan)

In week 2 we learnt a lot of important things that will be useful  both in real life and during final exams. We learnt how to order food and questions we might expect from waiters and waitresses. Now we all know how to behave in a polite and educated way in coffee shops and restaurants. To revise some of the most common phrases and expressions go to QUIZLET, folder called ORDERING FOOD . We also learnt how to write a request note and a reminder – to revise go back to page 56 in English Unlimited in your Bookshelf app.

And don’t forget to do exercises in the online workbook (the link can be found in Week 1 section above.
  Week 3 (19th – 23rd January)

In week 3 we focused on work-life balance, which means we studied everything related to jobs, studying and free time activities. We revised a lot of job names and school subject names, however some of them might be difficult for you to pronounce. But don’t worry, if you’re not sure how to say a new word that means a job or school subject go to QUIZLET app and find the folders called JOBS AND SUBJECTS and STUDY SUBJECTS. If you turn on the speaker, you will hear the words as you move from one card to another. Try to repeat and remember both the spelling and the pronunciation. It may be useful when we do a listening task on Wednesday in week 4!!!

We also talked and wrote about how we spend our time at home and at school. To practise go back to the texts in unit 7 in your Bookshelf app.

Another useful topic was learning how to politely say we don’t want to talk to someone on the phone right now. To review, go to page 60-61 in your Bookshelf app.

Last but not least thing was talking and writing about present actions. Here is the link to a very nice presentation we used in our lesson that you can use for practice whenever you want to.


I would also like to remind you that we did our writing task on Wednesday. If you’re not sure if you did your best, you can still practise to do better in your term 2 final exam. You can use these instructions as a guideline as to what should be included in the description of your dream job. Click here!

Again, don’t forget about your online workbook! If you really don’t remember your access password, try to reset it by following all the instructions as you go along.


If you want to help create this blog, you are most welcome! Whenever you feel like you have something (a presentation, a pic collage, a word document or any similar study material) that could help other students in our school, come and tell your English teacher! She will help you get your thing published here:) So come and try:)

Week 4 (26th – 30th Jan)

In week 4 we studied vocabulary related to work and study as continuation of the work from week 3. We learnt how to say we’re not sure about something in different ways. What we also revised and practiced a lot were phrases with the preposition OF. There are a few useful presentations you can use for revision below.

We had a couple of lessons, during which we had a nearpod presentation on continents and countries. Then we made some presentations on 8 chosen countries (based on our KET book listening exercise). You can see the best presentations made by STS students on the bottom of this page. 


Week 5 (2nd – 6th February)

In week 5 we concentrated on describing people, both their appearance and personality. We practised by making pic collages, talking about fashion in the UAE now and in the past and discussing differences in styles in the world. We also tried to describe our families and friends, which was quite fun.

The other thing we focused on was KET training because we had Minor Assessment 1 on Wednesday (in most groups). Many sections spent some time reading interesting books and doing comprehension exercises about those books, using an app called RAZ KIDS. Despite some technical problems with accessing it, we really enjoyed reading the books and solving quizzes. We all know that we can access all those wonderful books when we use our iPads at home. It is very good exercise also for the purposes of our competition SPELLING BEES.

Please look below to find some review materials.


Week 6 (9th – 13th February)

In week 6 we talked and wrote about people we admire, which means people we find something special in. The keyword of the week was like in 4 different meanings. We also read a website article about the connection between the birth of order of siblings and their professional career. We wrote a reply in the form of a web posting to express our opinion and agree or disagree with the author of the article. The discussion we had was quite heated in some groups.

We also did a lot of KET-oriented exercises, which will have you well prepared for the tasks you will get in your term 2 final exam.

A very interesting thing we did last week was the speaking task. Your pic collages presenting some photos and descriptive words to talk about someone’s personality and appearance were amazingJ And most / a lot of (depending on a section) your presentations were really well prepared and rehearsed.

Some of you had their first lesson with readers, by which I mean these little books published by National Geographic. Your teachers are happy to know that you enjoy reading about various subjects!!!

The last thing: please remember about the SPELLING BEE contest!!! A lot of you have been saying you don’t care about the Spelling Bee, but the thing is all the words chosen by your teachers for the purposes of the contest are KEY WORDS for that subject. As you probably noticed, the words come from such subject content as English, maths, physics, HECMA, business and some other vocational subjects. They all come from the material you are studying this term, that is term 2. This means that if you know the meaning, spelling and the pronunciation (the way you say a word) of a word from the SPELLING BEE LIST, you will never have trouble understanding and using them in the relevant subject!!! Worth considering, isn’t it?:)

Here’s the list of SPELLING BEE WORDS.


Week 7 (23rd – 27th Feb.)

In week 7 we revised vocabulary on means of transport and all the useful phrases we can use to talk about moving around. We also compared travelling and means of transport in different places, including UAE, having reviewed the rules of comparison. Check these titles to revise and do more practice (in the list below)

And remember that on Sunday we are having the Spelling Bee competition at class level. There will be 3 winners from each class of grade 10. The winners will receive a list of words to study so that the school can find someone to represent STS Abu Dhabi Girls. Good luck then!!!

Week 8 (23rd – 27th Feb.)
In week 8 we continued speaking about transport. Even our writing task was about moving around different cities. We learnt how to get information in places we visit and are new to us, we compared ways of travelling and practised buying a travel ticket. We also talked and listened about transport culture in different cities and countries. One of the listening tracks was about Dubai!
Next, we reviewed different meanings and usage of the keyword ‘get’. After that, we practised correcting ourselves and others in conversations. We also revised various ways of checking and summarizing information we are given in conversations.
The other important thing done this week was practice for the KET exam, which means we continued doing revision for term 2 final exams.
What is more, on Sunday we found out which three people won the CLASS SPELLING BEE COMPETITION in each section! Congratulations to the winners!!! Well done!!! Now keep studying the new championship words because on Thursday we are having a SCHOOL SPELLING BEE COMPETITION.

Week 9 (2nd – 9th March)

That was the second last week of term 2!!! We studied hard to make sure we learn some new things and start reviewing some material for the termly final exams.

We learnt some new vocabulary to talk about movies, for example kinds of films. We read short film descriptions, answered some questions about them and talked about our favourite pictures.  We also discussed our film watching habits, which was quite interesting.

On Wednesday we had Minor Assessment 2 (this mark makes up 10% of our final term mark!!!), which was quite challenging and time-consuming to complete. Hopefully, it was good practice for you before the same style term 2 final exams.

In week 9 we did a lot of KET practice, which will be continued in week 10 as a way of revising terms 1 and 2 material. The other important thing we accomplished was practice for Speaking Exam part 2, which has a format that is new to students. The trick is the examiner will only listen to two students talking together, without interrupting. It’s not difficult, as a lot of us declared straightaway, but the more practice we get, the less stressed and worried about this new part of the oral exam we will be. Besides, we will do a lot of exercises to get fully ready for this and other parts of your final exam. So… work hard, pay attention in lessons and you will surely do well in your exam. :) 


Week 10 (9th – 13th March)

It was a very busy week for all the students because it was the last week of term 2. Now it’s only exams and then you can enjoy your 2-week break.

In week 10 you worked really hard to learn the last few things necessary for your exams and to revise as much material as possible. We started the week by doing a reading task – not the easiest one because of its length, but you still did really well in it. Then it was time to practise writing short notes of 3 types – invitations, replies and thank-you notes. Mind you, this might be exactly what you need to do in one of your writing tasks in the Reading and writing part of the exam. We also learnt how to make suggestions and how to reply to them. We made our suggestions about cinema trips and film choices, but you know they can be used in any situation.

The next thing we did was intense review of Speaking exam questions for part 2. REMEMBER: your speaking exam this term will consist of 2 parts. One will be exactly the same as last year. As you must remember, you will talk to the examiner. To revise for it go to SPEAKING EXAM QUESTIONS PART 1 in your KET BOOK, pages 164 – 167. PART 2 of the SPEAKING EXAM will be different in that you will have to TALK TO THE OTHER STUDENT!!! Both of you will have a chance to ask and answer questions as you will make 2 conversations. You will receive a card with prompts (some words to give you information what question / answer you need to make), so will the second student.

We practised a lot for SPEAKING EXAM PART 2, but please continue doing it at home, too. You can go to pages 168 – 175 of your KET BOOKS to find examples of exam cards. Ask your parents, brothers, sisters or cousins to make these dialogues with you!!! It will give you a lot of confidence and you will be less stressed just before and during the exam : )

Here is the list of pages from KET BOOK you can refer to in order to do some revision.

 Again, you studied really hard last week, so you deserve some rest over the weekend! Enjoy it!!! Still, please do as much REVISION as possible!!! 





Places (KET - listening task) vocabulary
This, that, these, those  
Present Continuous - memory exercise


http://www.haikudeck.com/gallery/mygallery follow this link 
to revise phrases with OF preposition 
Prepositions – of phrases 
Appearance - worksheet to practise  

Students' contribution 

In week 4 most classes did a presentation on some countries. We did a nearpod on continents and countries as well. 

  • a haiku deck presentation on China made by Maitha Alfarawi:

    http://www.haikudeck.com/p/cQonR1KFTC  ,
    • Click here to see a presentation on Canada made by Noora, Fatima and Maryam,
    • If you want to see one on Australia (made by Shamma Mohsen, Zaneb Mobarak and Hamda Rashed), click here,
    • This one is on Greece, made by 10.4 girls. 
    • And one more on Egypt, also from 10. 4.

    • If you want to see another presentation on China, here is another interesting one, made by girls from 10.4.










English - Grade 10

All tasks and assessments are included in this schedule.

Weekly Learning Schedules

Select a week to find out what was covered each day. 

Look for assessments and homework in each week!

Material & Resources

Week 1: (Sept. 8th-12th)

Our first week was spent getting to know the school, the new rules, and each other better.
We discussed types of learners and took a quiz.
We also made goals for this year. The girls wrote letters to themselves outlining their ambitions for their first year at STS! 

Click here to find out more about the letter writing.

We started working on our project with Ms Alia, too. 

This was also the time to see what our course books look like and how we can use them to get ready for the final exam. The books are:
- English Unlimited (A2 Elementary Coursebook) by Alex Tilbury, Theresa Clementson, Leslie Anne Hendra and David Rea, published by Cambride University Press 
-  KET for Schools TRAINER, by Karen Saxby, published by Cambridge University Press.  

In one of the first lessons we learnt about the KET exam we are going to take at the end of this school year. This is where KET for Schools TRAINER book will help us a lot. Here is the link to a presentation that has information about KET exam:

To get to know each other better in our grade and sections, we introduced ourselves and gave some personal information. We also asked for some information from our classmates and our teachers, using the exercises and examples from English Unlimited, Intro chapter. We revised giving and asking for our:
- name and surname,
- country of origin,
- nationality,
- address (hometown, street, postcode / P.O. Box),
- phone number,
- email address
- languages we speak.

Week 2 (15th - 19th Sept 2013)

 In the second week of the first semester we started working hard towards the final KET exam. In English lessons we were talking about our families and friends and exchanged basic information on our parents' jobs - both past and present. We also made our family tree and then talked about it with other classmates during a range of speaking activities.

We started using KET for Schools TRAINER as well. We practised reading, writing and listening. We learnt about synonyms, too. Go here to see some pairs of synonyms:

We also found out how to do matching exercises containing signs and notices. We used these signs to practise making rules: 

You cannot run here./ You may walk.

No camping near the castle. 

You cannot use mobiles in the building. / You can use mobiles outside.

You mustn't feed animals in here. 

Don't use this door. 
You mustn't make fires here.
No swimming in the lake.

     Here's a link to an online exercise that will give you extra practice for the exam:


In week 2 we also had a reading task, in which we had to answer questions about Selma and her family after reading a short text about her. That's the first task that will go to our portfolio.

Another thing we learnt this week is how to write a recount, which is a type of text that says what happened. It is based in the past, which means we need to be careful to use past forms of the verbs. Here is the basic frame to follow:

Week 3 (22nd - 26th Sept 2013)

 This week we worked with English Unlimited books pages 14-17. We made a profile of someone we know well. We practised using the keyword 'OK' in different situations and meanings, too. Next, we discussed various ways of greeting people and how they differ between cultures. In this lesson we were shown an interactive presentation on
 greetings around the world.
We also revised different ways of asking questions to check information, e.g. Sorry, can you say that again? or Sorry, what's that again? To be able to do that, we practised using wh- question words, like what time? how much? when? where? who? Then we had a chance to revise all the material from Unit 1 of the handbook (page 17). 

Substantial amount of practice has been done on KET exam. We did a matching exercise that contained signs and notices. We focused on listening though. Our listening exercises involved a wide range of vocabulary, such as telling the time, giving dates, clothes and the weather. We used an interactive presentation to learn how to tell the time in English, then the teacher would ask us to draw the clock's hands on the board to show the time she said it was. Here is the link to the website:
http://www.slideshare.net/mod83/toms-tefl-time-and-daily-routine. It can be useful for talking about daily routine as well:)
Here you can practise the vocabulary related to months and seasons: 
We used a few online worksheets to revise vocabulary on weather. Here are a few 
  Clothes presentation: 

Week 4 (29th Sept - 3rd Oct 2013)

 We covered pages 18 - 21 from English Unlimited, which is the beginning of Unit 2. We talked about travelling and the things and people we miss most when we stay abroad. 
We learnt to make offers and requests and practised responding to them. 
Some examples:
- Would you like some magazines? 
- Yes, please / No, thank you. 

- Can I use your computer?
- All right/ OK / No problem / Yes, of course / No, sorry. 

- Could you bring my coat? 
- Yes, of course / No, sorry / No, I'm afraid not. 

We also studied the use of articles (a, an) and the word some. (page 19) 
Another grammatical point we revised is Present Simple tense, positive sentences. REMEMBER TO ADD -S ENDING TO ALL THE VERBS IN 3RD PERSON SINGULAR!!!
for example:
           I speak English. 
but      she speaks English.

What was very interesting was the text on www.sofasurfing.com. We read 2 profiles from this website and then wrote an email to one of them, which was fun. 
Email scaffold
 It was a chance for us to talk about our interests and hobbies, using sentence structures:
I am / she is: interested in (cinema and dancing).
I / he would like to (go to China).
I want to / she wants to (learn salsa). 

In terms of KET exam preparation, we continued doing exercises on signs and notices (reading and writing) and listening.  

Homework on irregular verbs in the past simple tense.

Week 5 (6th - 10th Oct 2013)

This week we practised making offers and requests, which we roleplayed in our lesson. We revised the expressions with the preposition 'in', such as:
- in Abu Dhabi
- in the UAE,
- in Japanese,
- in my office,
- in the same street,
- in the morning / afternoon / evening,
- in 2008,
- in June,
- in winter / spring / summer / autumn.

We also learnt when to use capital letters (English Unlimited, page 24).
Then we did a review on Unit 2 from English Unlimited to check what we need to practise more.

We did some revision towards KET exam, practising vocabulary on house furnishings and phrasal verbs. We also did exercises on the use of verbs such as 'make, do, take, have' with nouns - we now know we have memorise some of the expressions:)

We were given
homework on articles (a, an) and some. 

Week 6 (Eid)

Week 7 (20th - 24th Oct 2013)

In this week we did a lot of KET studying, mainly by doing listening and reading exercises from our KET Trainer book. The reading exercises reminded us how to compare things and people.

English Unlimited lessons were based on the topic of happiness. We talked a lot about what makes people happy. We also discussed happiness in our lives. 
Grammatically, we revised our knowledge on Present Simple tense. You can find a short presentation on it in the part on SAPET below. 

We wrote a short recount on our Eid break. Here's a recount text theory - just click on me:) Here's a recount scaffold. And this is a recount writing frame

On Saturday, 26th October some of us came to school to get extra help from our teachers. English was one of the subjects this week. 
We worked on Present Simple with Ms Anna. We saw a presentation with some general information about it and did a few exercises included in some slides. 
Next, we did an online exercise on our iPads. Here is the link: 
The teacher told us about the website where we can play funny games and practise English grammar at the same time. It works better on computers, so it is really good as a homework activity. If you want to have some fun, click on the following link:

Week 8 (27th - 31st Oct, 2013)

In this week we worked on compiling our portfolios that contain our tasks, minor assessments and our Project Book. We also finished doing all the tasks in the Project Book.
We did a lot of revision for out KET exam, mainly listening, speaking and reading and writing.
We revised comparison of adjectives. Here's a quick presentation on comparing people and things in English. 
 On Thursday we had a lesson on Halloween, when we learnt some Halloween vocabulary and practised writing invitations.
Click here to open the Halloween presentation.
Here's an example of an invitation to a Halloween party. We made similar projects, using Pic Collage app. 

Week 9 (4th - 7th Nov, 2013)

In week 9 we did a lot of revision for the KET exam. We also revised Past Simple tense, using English Unlimited as our main resource.
Here you will find a few presentations that will help you remember some information and get a little more practise:
- Past Simple tense 1
- Past Simple tense 2
- Irregular verbs in Past Simple 

Week 10 (10th - 14th Nov, 2013)

In this week we did a lot of revision for the final term exam. We had a speaking task as well, in which we talked about our personal experiences.
Here's a link to a presentation, where you will find some useful vocabulary on travelling that we practised in our KET exercises: 


Week 11 (17th - 21st Nov, 2013)

This week is going to be very busy as we are doing a writing task and Minor Assessment 3. Both of them will have a big impact on our final marks. 
We'll be using English Unlimited in our Bookshelf app to study vocabulary related to our homes. We will also focus on prepositions of place.We'll describe our houses using the structure 'there is / there are'.
Here you will find a presentation on basic vocabulary related to houses:

Week 12 (22nd - 26th Nov. 2013)

Week 12 is the busiest of all weeks, partially because grade 10 have their first English exam!!! It is A SPEAKING EXAM. It will take place on Wednesday. 
But don't worry, students, it will go well - as long as you practise enough. You've been practising speaking with your English teachers the whole term, but now it's time for general revision. You can do a lot of speaking at home, ask your parents or siblings to help you. You can use all the material uploaded on QUIZLET app by Ms Nicole. 

Besides, you can revise some vocabulary that might be useful for your speaking exam. 
Here's a list of the most useful words we have learnt or revised this semester.

Another helpful thing is here: it's a presentation on the use of CAPITAL LETTERS, which you might find of use for your WRITING EXAM. And remember about your ONLINE WORKBOOK.