Technical Drawing

Technical Drawing - Grade 10

Welcome to STS!! Along with OHS, you will learn Technical Drawing from the Engineering department. You will learn how to use many drawing tools. Please make sure you check this website often for assignments and tasks. This website will especially be helpful if you are absent.

The TAG will help you to see what is expected from you in the class, when portfolio tasks are due, and when you will be working on the projects.

WEEK 1 (Sept 1 - Sept 4)

Let's introduce us to each other!!

WEEK 2 (Sept 7 - Sept 11)

We have many things to do this week:
1) Learn the 5 different types of drawings Engineers use. (see Drawings PPT)
2) Know the drawing tools you will be using in this class (see Drawing Tools PPT)
3) Do Portfolio Task 1
4) Learn to draw a border on A4 size paper (see Drawing the Border Video)
5) Do homework (see Homework Video 1)

WEEK 3-4 (Sept 14 - Sept 25)

There is a certain way to write the letters in a drawing. Remember that for this class, I want you to write all letters in block, CAPITAL letters only!!

You will also do Portfolio Task 2. In this task:
1) You will finish the worksheet
2) Draw a border on A4 size paper
3) Draw 2 hexagons, one using a ruler and set-square and another one using a compass (you can find both these videos below)

WEEK 5 (Sept 28 - Oct 2)

So let's check how well all of you learned the material so far. We will start the first project this week. This is an assignment that you will do by yourself. You will have until week 5 to finish this project.

What Your Project Should Look Like When You Turn It In

You are also going to be introduced to 1st angle and third angle drawings. Engineers use these drawings to understand the 3-D object in all views. Here is an example.

You are basically separating ALL view angles and drawing them separately. Here is another example.

Here is the powerpoint I used to class that will explain the orthographic views in more detail.

Two youtube videos that have a nice explanation of the first and third angle views are:

Extra Credit

WEEK 6 (Oct 7 - Oct 9)

We learned about front view, side view, and top view. Let's practice more with this.

WEEK 7 (Oct 12 - Oct 16)

We are going to start the second project this week. We will have 2 weeks to finish this project. We will also be doing other tasks along with the project.

WEEK 9 (Oct 26 - Oct 30)

Practice Portfolio Task 5

WEEK 10 (Nov 2 - Nov 6)

Now that you have practiced drawing the three views in 3rd angle, let's do a portfolio task on it.

WEEK 11 (Nov 9 - Nov 13)

 Girls, please start bringing in these pocket folders to put all of your papers in. You will use this folder all through the year. See the picture below and NOTE your class color!!!

10.3 - green

10.4 - blue

10.5 - yellow

10.6 - white

WEEK 12 (Nov 16 - Nov 20)

This is the last task for this term. So make sure you do a good job!!

Last Week Practical Answer and Marking